Is that online offer what you will pay me?
My onscreen offer I just got seems fair, but is that really what Car Buyer USA will pay me to sell my car to them?
CarBuyerUSA prices Billions – yes, Billions of dollars worth of vehicles each year. Our price, while accurate, represents an “up to” offer for your vehicle. All CarBuyerUSA offers are subject to inspection which is explained in our How it Works Video. The price we provide is today’s CMV (Cash Market Value) and the most we would pay for the vehicle as described by the user. Any price we offer is good for 48 hours only. It is always in the best interest of a seller to accept the offer and sign a purchase agreement to protect that price from any market depreciation.
#1 Car Buying Company Ranked By Sellers

How It Works
We pay cash for cars, trucks, & SUVs, in any condition, anywhere in the Continental USA.