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Fast, Safe & Easy

No Hassles! We Come To You.


We Buy Used Cars in every state, regardless of condition. CarBuyerUSA is “Sell My Car” headquarters. No other Car Buying Company or even CarMax pays more for used cars. CarBuyerUSA will buy anything from a rollover to a Range Rover and has paid up to $65,000 for late model sedans.

If you want for cash for your car or need to sell your car, CarBuyerUSA can get you cash quickly.

CarBuyerUSA is the leading car buying website with the largest network of buyers worldwide. CarBuyerUSA can pay more for your car because we have low overhead and high volume. Don’t be fooled by Junk Car Buyers or Auto Auctions that dabble in buying used cars. These companies are not in position to make a competitive offer on your car and local dealers want to sell you a new vehicle in exchange for buying your vehicle.

CarBuyerUSA will pay top dollar for your car, regardless of condition. We don’t sell cars to the public and all offers we make are cash!

#1 Car Buying Company Ranked By Sellers

CarbuyerUSA Ratings

How It Works

We pay cash for cars, trucks, & SUVs, in any condition, anywhere in the Continental USA.

1 Get an Instant Cash Offer
Enter the Year, Make, Model, Trim Level & Miles (No VIN Required) and your cash offer appears onscreen (94% of the time)
2 Accept your offer
CarBuyerUSA offers are Cash Market Value. Funds are guaranteed and paid at the time of pickup or drop-off
3Talk to an Agent
Your CarBuyerUSA representative schedules a no obligation inspection. In most markets an on-site mobile inspection can be arranged. The digital purchase agreement takes less than 60 seconds to complete.
4 Get Paid
When CarBuyerUSA picks up your truck, you are paid on the spot in full with guaranteed funds – entire process is hassle free. Inspection, title work & pick up are all FREE.