We’ve all been warned many times over, and we’ve all heard about the dangers from responding to for sale ads on Craigslist. But most likely the majority of people either don’t listen to the warnings, nonchalantly brush it off as, “that must have been in the wrong neighborhood”, or just simply think “that would never happen to me”. Normally you read happy ending sell your car stories on here; but today we’re taking a serious turn and talking about the heartbreaking tragedies of running your own, or responding to a Craigslist ad, and the abundance of times the headlines read…
"At this point in time we're very concerned that our missing person could be in danger," Atlanta Police Lt. Ricardo Vasquez said, according to WSB-TV.
“Heartbroken son witnesses father’s murder during Craigslist sale of boy’s dirt bike”
“Third person charged in connection to parking lot double murder” – This was in a Walmart parking lot! A very public place you’d most likely feel safe in. I know I definitely would, well would have.

“Man accused in Craigslist double slaying appears in court for death penalty hearing”
Then there’s this very disturbing post, “I was wanting to thank Tulsa for letting me have my first kill,” the post begins. “It will not be my last thou (sic).” According to the news report, Craigslist remove the ad.
“Georgia man charged with murder in death of couple seeking car on Craigslist”
This couple was killed after being lured to South Georgia after the husband posted an ad on Craigslist they were looking for a vintage Ford Mustang.
And the last one I’ll share with you, “Woman Stabs Craigslist Date, Attempts to Eat His Heart in Murder Attempt”! Yep, that one gets the entire headline linked.
…and btw, these are all recent headlines.

It’s beyond awful that putting an innocent ad out or responding to one on Craigslist ends up in tragedy; there are just no right words. Let’s face it, more often than not things go smooth; but for those of you who feel you’d cover all the bases on safety, what do you think the people in these real stories felt? Danger? No, “It won’t happen to me. I’ve taken the right safety precautions.” Dead.
Why risk your life when we have a FAST, SAFE, & EASY way to sell your car? We pay cash for cars, trucks, & SUVs anywhere in the U.S. in any condition, so don’t risk your safety. Just fill out our short form for an instant quote , or give one of our LIVE AGENTS a call. We’ll show you how to sell a car fast and you’ll be safe.