This is a topic not many want to talk about, know little about, but happens more often than we are ready for. When a loved one has left this world and has gifted, willed or just left a vehicle and it is time to sell or have the title assigned to you, where do you begin?
It is imperative to note that laws regarding the sale of vehicles from a deceased party will vary significantly from state to state. Some states may have procedures outlined in probate codes, while others may require court approval for the sale. Contact your local motor vehicle department to obtain the most up to date information and requirements. We have found that certain states may mandate additional documentation, such as court documents and/or a certificate of appointment for the executor. If there is a will or probate, consulting with legal professionals can also provide insight into specific steps and requirements in your state.
In the event there is no will or probate court documentation, there will be a need for an original certified death certificate. Depending on how the name of the seller is listed on the title, the death certificate may read a little different due to nicknames, shortened names, such as Joseph to Joe. A female’s name may read in her maiden name on the title and the death certificate read in her married name would be another example. Be any differences, other support documentation will be required by DMV to show as to why the difference in the name. This is where the local DMV office would be best to contact for what is required. For someone that is trying to complete a sale, sometimes it is easiest to have the title issued into their own name first to expedite the process and ease the headache of furnishing documentation to a 3rd party.
Car Buyer USA does buy vehicles of deceased parties. We are governed by the State of Georgia and follow the GA DMV laws, rules and regulations of what is needed for us to purchase the vehicle. For more information, please contact us.
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