With all the media coverage about Hurricane Irma, right on the heels of Houston, Texas’ Hurricane Harvey, it might put Florida in the front of people’s minds as the state whose residents need of help the most. While it’s very true Florida residents need help, so does Houston and surrounding areas. They’re still struggling and people who reside there are short on supplies, shelter, food, and money. We were reminded of this when we received a call from Paul; his mom lives in Houston and needed his help. He sold his 2007 Chevrolet Colorado to Car Buyer USA and got fast cash for his emergency fund.

When Paul spoke to our agent, he explained it made more sense to send his mom money rather than use money for a round trip plane ticket. Since his mom was ok and staying with relatives out in Texas, he felt she was in good hands and extra cash would help her more and she could best decide where the money should be spent. Well, we buy cars so we bought his truck.
With the fact that we buy cars everyday as routine, helping customers like this is very rewarding. We know, if you need cash fast, the first thing that comes to mind is not to sell to car. However, when you have an unexpected emergency and you need money quickly; and if you have a car, truck, van, or SUV you can sell, call us and sell your car to get fast cash for your emergency fund. And remember, We pay cash for cars, trucks, & SUVs, 2004 or later model, in any condition. That means even the ones not running, rusty, or banged up; and by the way, even if it’s been in a hurricane.