Every day we learn of another tragic story related to selling a car on Craigslist. "We wish it was only about loss of property or money, but people really put themselves at risk trying to squeeze an extra buck out of a car sale”, states Bill Coleman, CEO of CarBuyerUSA the nations leading online car buying agency. Here is a story posted on Twitter about a man that disappeared after he listed his car on Craigslist and agreed to meet an interested party at a “neutral” location. This is never a good idea and often times the interested party has friends with him / her that will put the seller in a position of grave danger. “Craigslist is not a safe place to list a vehicle for sale. You need to know who you are talking to and make certain that the individual is who they claim to be. CarBuyerUSA always gets identification from potential sellers to avoid scams. If the person won’t text you a picture of their drivers license, don’t go because its probably a scam.” Coleman knows because his agency specializes in assisting local authorities in apprehending Craigslist Predators. Click here to see the feature on WSB TV Atlanta.
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