If you are trying to decide how to sell your car online you have already made the conscious decision to bypass trading it in at a dealership. Maybe you don't plan on buying another car or maybe there is some other reason you want to sell your car yourself. Whatever reason drives your decision, make sure you think about 3 critical things before you begin:
1. Safety – not just yours, your family and your friends too!. Do you feel comfortable having people come to your house to inspect a vehicle? How will you handle the test drive? Will you go with them when they ask to drive it? Will you send your son or daughter with them? Would you let your wife show the car to some stranger while you are at work? Will you meet them at a supermarket or some neutral location? Many people get in the car and let some stranger drive off with them – this makes for a great Twilight Zone episode if you ask us!
2. Liability – how will you be paid? Cash, check, certified funds, money order? Let's see….sell car for cash ($5600) you insist on cash payment. Buyer comes to YOUR home after work (dark) to pick up the car and hands you $5600 and takes the car and title – you think you are safe? Let see…he knows where you live and just gave you $5600 in cash and knows you can't make it to the bank. Hope you have a hand gun permit!
3. More Liability – has title been filled out properly? Is cash counterfeit? Can the check be stopped, or are there enough funds to cover the purchase? Are you insured to let the stranger test drive your car? If they wreck the car, you may not be covered – oh and they can & will sue you by the way…
What about the individual who is buying your car? Are they legitimate? Are they illegally flipping cars to avoid paying taxes? Are they laundering money?
After you think these things through you will probably wonder what the reason for selling your car yourself really was??? If it's to get the most money, ask yourself if it's enough money to risk the safety of loved ones or to put yourself in a position of liability. Liability that grossly outweighs the few hundred -maybe the thousand bucks you gain for your sacrifice. Lets face it folks, most businesses would look at this decision as an unnecessary risk.
There is good news however…
You can sell your car fast and safely to CarBuyerUSA.com. Call (888) 995-6498 for an immediate cash offer and a hassle free experience.
There's no risk because our payment is guaranteed. We are reputable,insured and our staff is professional, knowledgable and courteous.
Sell your car the easy way, call CarBuyerUSA at (888) 995-6498.