Juanita’s trip to Walmart was quite eventful on that sunny Saturday morning. All she wanted was to grab the things she needed and figured it would be a quick trip; and just as she planned, it was playing out as a fast in and out. “What is all that screaming?!” She had no idea what started it or who threw the first punch, but all that yelling turned into an all-out war between two “ladies”. Walmart is known for having everything and anything all at great prices; but let’s be honest; it may be notorious for spandex and lace strutting down the aisles, but fights? Not so much; that tradition is reserved for Black Friday. These “ladies” give “shop till you drop” a whole new meaning! Juanita didn’t know it at the time, but she’d soon be looking for companies that buy cars.

“Hey! You almost knocked me over!” – she added a few colorful words to go with that. As she was pushing her cart out to her car, Juanita said she was thinking the worse was over. Then, she was just plain dumb founded. One of the “ladies” was screeching off in her car with the other screaming at the top of her lungs.
“Please tell me that’s not my car! Please.” Yep, her day got worse. The “lady” slammed into the back of Juanita’s car when making her getaway. Now, her trunk was all scrunched up. Laughing she told us she realized something at that moment. “Well, I have been wanting a new car.” Then of course reality set in… “How am I going to sell my car all smashed in! Who’s going to buy my car like that! I can’t trade it in like that!”

Juanita said with her fingers crossed she dialed our number. “No problem Juanita; we don’t care your trunk is crushed. You can still sell your car to us.” I think it’s safe to say, we’re now one of her favorites; after all, we gave her a happy ending. Remember; when you’re looking for companies that buy cars; we don’t just buy them, We pay cash for cars, trucks, & SUVs. Pick up the phone or fill out our short form for an instant quote. We’ll buy your banged up car too.