Judy was looking for and fast and easy way to sell her 2012 Nissan Versa and turned to the Internet to find companies that buy cars. Her requirements – a place that offers a safe process, it had to be convenient for her, and it had to be quick. Jackpot! Car Buyer USA! We’re exactly what she was looking for. It made total sense to Judy that we were the perfect fit! We pay cash for cars, tucks and suvs the easy, fast, and safe way; and we insist everything involved is convenient for our customers. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
You might be surprised the toughest part in our process, is agreeing on and meeting pricing expectations. Once we reached a fair number that made both Judy and us happy, the process was simple, fast, and safe. Have a look at the steps Judy went through below and you’ll see we made the process for her to sell her car quick and easy!
- Judy accepted the fair price we offered to buy her car.
- For her protection and liability, a Digital Purchase Agreement was signed by Judy and Car Buyer USA.
- We scheduled an inspection appointment with Judy and since we were picking her car up and scheduled a time convenient for Judy to perform a simple inspection. Note–If Judy had been dropping it off at one of our partnering preferred locations, her car would have been inspected while she waited.
- Payment time! As the seller, it was by her preference. The seller always tells us how they want to receive their money – bank check, bank wire, or certified funds.
- Once Judy received payment from us (because the seller always get paid first) she signed the title and turned over to Car Buyer USA.
If you’re selling a car like Judy and you’re looking online for companies that buy cars, look no further than CarBuyerUSA.com. Not only do we pay cash for cars online, but we’re a car buyer that buys fast.